Prof. Alicia Dickenstein will be talking about “Algebraic Geometry Tools in Systems Biology” on 25 October 2021 at 4pm PKST via Zoom. She is our esteemed speaker in the John Conway Spirited Seminar Series organized by the Department of Mathematics at SBASSE, LUMS.
She will talk about some methods and concepts of algebraic geometry that are being used in recent years to analyze standard models in molecular biology. She will also discuss some of the mathematical challenges that arise from this application.
Please join us virtually via zoom link:
About the speaker:
Prof. Alicia Dickenstein (University of Buenos Aires) is a 2019 Fellow of the American Mathematical Society, a prior Vice-president of the International Mathematical Union (2015–2018), and a 2015 recipient of The World Academy of Sciences prize. She is a recipient of the L'Oréal-Unesco International Awards For Women in Science-2021.
Her research interests are focused on using Algebraic geometry and combinatorics to predict behaviors of biological systems without knowing precise parameters. She in conjunction with Mercedes Perez Milian has created a system called The MESSI System (named after the footballer, Lionel Messi) which stands for Modifications of the type-Enzyme-Substrate or Swap with Intermediates. This allows researchers to prove general results valid in certain network.
You can view the complete list of the John Conway Spirited Seminars Series here: