Crystalline solid products are around us everywhere – they are central to industrially-relevant production as 70% of the products of the chemical…

Researchers from the Department of Biology at SBASSE have identified genome-wide transcriptional changes during trophoblast stem cell…

This workshop aim to bring together researchers from the UK & Pakistan to share research expertise and develop collaborations relevant to…

Dr. Muhammad Shoaib is a clinical turned researcher, who exudes a passion for teaching and research in chromatin biology and proteomics. He is…

Three members of the SBASSE faculty have been awarded the inaugural Vice Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence! These awards mark a new…

This course provides a non-specialist introduction to programming in MATLAB. The focus is on developing the thinking process to write simple…

Much like an Agatha Christie novel, mystery shrouded the Department of Biology a few months ago when the incubator in the Plant Growth Rooms…

If you ever have had the chance to visit the basement of SBASSE, you may have glanced upon what looks akin to a gleaming white spaceship standing…

Enhanced Thermal and Moisture Stability of the Emerging PVs while using Discotic Liquid Crystals
