LUMS Researchers Explore Safer, Greener Catalysis for Drug Discovery
Sulfonamides are vital components in many pharmaceuticals and…
Dr. Basit Yameen Recognized as a Pioneering Investigator in Polymer Chemistry
Dr. Basit Yameen, from the Department of Chemistry, has made…
Unleashing the Power of Selenium - Dr. Rahman's Research on Selenohydantoin Derivatives
Selenium is a vital trace element that plays a crucial role in our…
Anticancer Drugs Repurposed for Dengue - A Promising Breakthrough in Dengue Fever Treatment
“We sympathise with all the families who have suffered the loss of a…
Exploring the Potentials of Treating Alzheimer
It goes without saying that the modern era is surely a scientific era…
پانی کی نمک ربا ئی: پلاسٹک کے فضلات کا انوکھا استعمال , ماحولیاتی آلودگی میں کمی کی طرف ایک اہم پیشرفت
جنوری ۲۰۲۳ میں بین الاقوامی جریدے "امریکن کیمیکل سوسائٹی "(1) میں…
ما حول دوست مُحلّل
آپ نے کسی بیماری کے دوران اینٹی بائیوٹک تو کھائی ہوگی۔ یہ اینٹی بائیوٹک ہمیں آرام تو دیتی ہے،…
Indole containing natural products - A comprehensive review article by Syed Muhammad Umer
When Dr. Rahman Shah…
Out From the Deep
Members of the very specie that accessed, utilized, and exploited…
Doping Materials into Perfection
Harnessing solar energy is intricately linked with tinkering of…