Pathways for Basin-wide Adoption of Non-paradoxical Smart Irrigation Technologies
(1) A dynamic socio-hydrological model of on-farm irrigation that couples the farm's water flow dynamics with the irrigating farmers' rent-seeking behavior to capture the IE paradox.
(2) The integrated assessment model for understanding trade-offs and interaction between the water, energy, and land resources after implementation of on-farm IE program.
(3) Merge the dynamical system model with IAM to identify the basin-wide implication of the IE paradox on water, energy, and land resources.
1. Ansir Ilyas, Talha Manzoor, Abubakr Muhammad, A Dynamic Socio-Hydrological model of Irrigation Efficiency Paradox, Water Resource research (Submitted)
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4. Ilyas, A., Vinca, A., Parkinson, S., Byers, E., Burek, P., Wada, Y., Krey, V., Riahi, K., Djilali, N., Khan, A. and Langan, S., 2019, January. Quantifying impacts of smart irrigation technology on long-term water-energy nexus challenges in the Indus River Basin. In Geophysical Research Abstracts (Vol. 21).
5. Ilyas, A., Hassan, W., Manzoor, T. and Muhammad, A., 2019. Towards Regulating Consumption in a Socio-hydrological Model for Groundwater Extraction. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 52(23), pp.94-100.