Celebrate faculty promotions
This is time to share some wonderful news about our SSE Faculty who have demonstrated brilliance in all aspects of scholarship and whose contributions to knowledge creation and dissemination, teaching and institutional and societal service have been recognized by the University.
Dr. Irshad Hussain is a world recognized expert in nanomaterials and nanoparticle synthesis and harnesses them in diverse applications in the biomedical, energy and environmental fields. He is one of the country's most highly cited scientists and plays a significant role in advancing the fields of chemical and nanotechnology research in Pakistan. With recipient of several national and international awards, and a distinctive record of extra-mural funding, Dr. Irshad was among the founders of chemistry at LUMS which is now blossoming into one of the region's stronger programmes.
Dr. Hassan Abbas Khan in electrical engineering works in developing indigenous and globally relevant solutions for off-grid and rural electrification, solar energy devices, energy optimization and batteries technologies. He is a co-Founder of the LUMS Energy Institute, winner of several significant research grants and author of highly cited works in the world's best journals.
An outstanding aspect of Dr. Fareed Zaffar's research productivity is his involvement of undergraduates in research. Another important dimensions is his engagement with Pakistan’s courts in organizing the judicial system as well as with other civil society and public sector organizations on healthcare, education and accountability. On this count, he leads the Technology for Peoples Initiative at LUMS and a strong research ecosystem in the areas of computer networks and internet security.