Event date:
Feb 9 2022 11:00 am

Forest Informatics via Remote Sensing

Dr. Mian Muhammad Awais
Aena Hassan
Zoom Meetings (Online)
MS Synopsis defense


From the last few decades the carbon footprint in our environment has increased exponentially due to increased deforestation and the use of trees as biofuel. So, there is a need for forest canopy estimation in order to estimate how much reforestation is needed to cope with the increasing carbon emissions.

The above-mentioned issue can be addressed using an unsupervised learning approach where canopy can be segmented from images. Several indices have been derived using multi-spectral imagery in order to solve this problem. However, there is a low-cost cost approach that works well for simple RGB images in cases where multi-spectral imagery is not available.

Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/95078769118?pwd=dHBxbFJOY0YzdUsva1Q5UndTZUVMdz09

Meeting ID: 950 7876 9118

Passcode: yLK4LF