Post Date
Dec 1 2021

A Valued Addition

Dr Shahana Khurshid joins the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering as Visiting Associate Professor.

Our lungs, reactive oxygen species, tiny particles that cause big problems and how can a better environment be engineered for a healthier future – this is what excites and inspires our latest addition to the SBASSE family; Dr Shahana Khurshid. We welcome Dr Khurshid as a visiting associate professor at the department of chemistry and chemical engineering.

Dr. Shahana Khurshid obtained her BS in Environmental Engineering from MIT, MS in Biomedical Engineering and PhD in Environmental Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin (where she received the NSF IGERT Fellowship and the EPA STAR Fellowship). After her PhD she has worked at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and at the University of Texas at Austin. Clearly, her passion takes cue from the dips and curves in the relationship of air, pollutants and environmental conservation. Dr Khurshid has published more than 15 articles in recognized journals such as Advanced Materials, NISTIR and Toxicology in Vitro. Her papers have been cited more than 2500 times.

Dr Khurshid is an effective communicator and a thorough researcher. Her master’s degree in biomedical engineering also fits neatly with the School’s vision of a new masters programme in biomedical sciences. We extend our heartiest congratulations to Dr Shahana Khurshid on joining the LUMS community.