Event date:
11:00 am
Basics of industrial project management
Asif Rehmat, Executive Vice President, Powersoft19
SBASSE 10-201
Project management is at the core of every business. It is a mean of achieving a strategic objective and is the key to organizational success. As the economy and the enterprise landscape become more competitive than ever, effective project management is necessary for businesses to perform better, faster, and more efficiently. In the world of disruptive technology, the payoffs from investing time, money, and resources into effective project management can be tremendous. The opposite is true, as well. This talk aims to provide you an introduction to project management in the modern industry, the phases involved in the project management process, and will help you understand how you can power up your project management skills.
Asif Rehmat is the executive vice president at Powersoft19. He has more than 18 years of experience in multiple disciplines of engineering, project management and product development. Asif is working at Powersoft19 for last 14+ years. His expertise lies in bridging the technical, communication and cultural gaps in the global and offshore teams. He has been involved in the success of various safety critical projects from inception to delivery. He has managed firmware, hardware, enterprise application, mobile apps, and desktop application projects at Powersoft19. Asif holds the master's degree in Electrical Engineering and had been a faculty member of University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore.