Event date:
8:00 pm
What entanglement can tell us about our world!
Dr. Scott K. Cushing
Scott Cushing is an Assistant Professor at Caltech. His expertise lies in fundamental research in developing new spectroscopy, such as table-top XUV / soft x-ray pulses with down-to-attosecond time resolution. His lab is developing few-femtosecond, few-photon spectroscopy with entangled photons that can probe rare and intermediate events in the excited state. His lab also uses spectroscopy to explore ultrafast light-matter interactions, entangled-classical interactions, and multi-component spectroscopy of working devices. For more information go to cushinglab.caltech.edu Before joining Caltech, Dr. Cushing was a post-doctoral researcher at UC Berkeley. He holds a Ph.D. from West Virginia University.
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