Post Date
Aug 10 2022

Technology on Wheels!

Founded by Syed Muhammad Abbas, an alumnus of the Syed Babar Ali School of Science and Engineering, Movin Wheels (Private) Limited is a Lahore based company established in 2020, that has been developing locally assembled, affordable products to help transport companies record and analyse their drivers’ performance while transporting precious commodities across the nation.


The core team of Movin Wheels. Dr. Syed Muhammad Abbas stands in the middle.


We recently chatted with Dr. Syed Abbas at his office. He runs his company with the help of a small team, that according to Dr. Abbas is “the best in class” at what they do. Rising to the scene just a few weeks prior to the covid-19 pandemic, Movin Wheels has survived through what many startups may consider their worst nightmare – a global market collapse. The company’s secret sauce to success was their focus on one product at a time, and keeping a deliberate check on their business expansion. This, according to Dr. Abbas, helped them save capital and continue with whatever resources they had in difficult times.


A look inside the office.


Two years and a lot of trucks later, Movin Wheels is now a major supplier of transport analytics technology to Shell, a global petroleum behemoth! It is delightfully humbling to learn that equipment from a small workshop in their office, assembled and put together by a local resource is making its way to top-tier companies, making the transport of their commodities safer and more reliable.


A team member works on adding components to a device, to the specifications provided by a client.


A family of products created in-house by Movin Wheels, that are being used by their clients.

Speaking of LUMS, Dr. Abbas vividly remembers his child like dreams when first entering through the gates of the institute. He fondly recalls his time with Dr. Abubakr Muhammad and would like to thank him for his extended support and trust that encouraged Dr. Abbas to understand deeper technical workings of electrical engineering.

When remarking on a message for new and existing students at SBASSE, he asserted that the students are in great hands at LUMS, to the credit of an extremely approachable and supportive faculty and encourages students to pursue their tinkering in the laboratories and try to learn as much as they can by asking questions from their instructors.

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