Event date:
Sep 16 2020 12:00 pm

Histones: How much variation do we need?

Prof. Sandra. B. Hake
SBASSE Complex
All eukaryotes organize their DNA together with histones and non-histone proteins into a highly complex nucleoprotein structure called chromatin, with the nucleosome as its monomeric subunit. Several interconnected mechanisms have evolved to regulate DNA accessibility, including nucleosome replacement of canonical histones with specialized histone variants. Deposition of histone variants can lead to profound chromatin structure alterations thereby influencing a multitude of biological processes ranging from transcriptional regulation to genome stability. At the focus of our research is the evolutionary highly conserved histone variant H2A.Z, which has been extensively studied and shown to play a role in gene expression, DNA repair, heterochromatin formation, chromosome segregation and mitosis. But the mechanism(s) of how H2A.Z controls these diverse biological processes is not understood. Using state-of-the-art biochemical, cell biological, genome-wide and bioinformatics approaches we are shedding light on H2A.Z biology by identifying its manifold binding proteins and their functional roles in gene regulation, cell cycle progression and organismal development.

Prof. Dr. Sandra Hake from Institute of Genetics, JLU Gisin Germany was our guest in “Colloquium zooming Molecular and Cellular Biology” to talk about "Histones: How much variation do we need?", this year.

Date: Friday 16th October 2020, 
Time: 12:00 noon Pakistan time / 09:00 AM German Time 

Prof. Hake works on specialized proteins called histones which are used for packaging of DNA in our cells. Normally, we have nearly 2 meters long DNA packaged in a 10-micron size nucleus which is obviously a huge challenge to organize our genome. It is wrapping of DNA around histones which makes such an impossible task possible. However, packaging of DNA with histones has other challenges like how DNA will be accessible if it gets damaged, how cellular machinery will access DNA when it must decode messages hidden in DNA during the process of transcription. Moreover, these histones come in different variants as different cellular processes seem to be influenced by covalent modifications of histones, during transcription, DNA repair and DNA replication. Prof. Hake talked about variation within histones and how it influences our genome.