Post Date
Sep 8 2023

Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education SBASSE

Dr. Haniya Azam from the Department of Mathematics is the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education at the Syed Babar Ali School of Science and Engineering. 

As Associate Dean, Dr. Haniya will be leading our undergraduate programming and will work closely with Faculty, students and the School Dean. She will strengthen, diversify, modernize and enhance the effectiveness of the SSE core curriculum, expand on the project of liberating students' laboratory experience in the first year, propel forward project such as SSE-for-Everyone, Learning Pathways, honors versions of core courses; and will also receive and respond to student and Faculty feedback to promote student learning.

She will also look after the School's Academic and Advising units and will direct the award of Writing prizes and Honorific Fellowships. These are all new initiatives, and we hope that Dr. Haniya Azam will ensure the permanence, longevity and adaptation of these ideas into ever newer forms. A critical part will also be liaison with the LUMS Learning institute and LUMSx.

Dr. Hanya Azam has been decorated with the VC Excellence Award in Teaching and has already led many impressive and influential initiatives in the School. She is one of the architects of the Learning How to Learn course offered by LUMSx, she has championed the case for honors flavors of maths courses and supervises opportunities for research in her area of interest---algebra and combinatorics. Here is a snippet from the LUMS convocation, from where one can learn more about her passion for teaching and education: 

Dr. Haniya Azam's appointment is for a period of three years and I would like to immensely thank her for taking up this critical role which is of essential and existential importance for the School of Science and Engineering.

Muhammad Sabieh Anwar
Professor of Physics, Ahmed Dawood Chair and Dean
Syed Babar Ali School of Science and Engineering, LUMS