Post Date
Jan 15 2025

Finite Element Simulations for Multiphysics Problems

Dr Mudassar Razzaq
Muhammad Adnan Anwar
Reference / Filters


The problems involving multiple physics have gained enormous attention from researchers. Hence, the focus of this study is to explore the two main disciplines of multiphysics problems, namely, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI). In the first step, we explored the CFD problems and discretization challenges using the Finite Element Method and solved the industry-related problems. In the second step, we explored the FSI problems, which are the kingpin of this study. Moreover, the advances in computational power in recent decades and the viability of solving highly nonlinear coupled FSI scenarios greatly influenced researchers pertaining to investigations in vast biomedicine and bioengineering.

In the FSI context, we worked on the stenosed bifurcated artery and heart valve simulation problems. We choose Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) framework to model arteries’ blood flow and elastic behavior. A stable P2P1 element is used in the finite element method to discretize the governing equations of the problems. Thus the resulting highly nonlinear algebraic system is solved by Newton solver and the corresponding linear system by multigrid solvers. The undertaken study leads toward the understanding and providing the numerical solution to highly complex nonlinear problems in health regimes.


Anwar, M. A., Iqbal, K., & Razzaq, M. (2021). Analysis of biomagnetic blood flow in a stenosed bifurcation artery amidst elastic walls. Physica Scripta, 96(8), 085202.

Anwar, M. A., & RAZZAQ, M. (2021). The effect of the Nusselt number on the bi-viscosity fluid subjected to the discrete heating effect. Journal of Thermal Engineering, 7(7), 1797-1814.