List of Publications:
(Principal Author)
1. Akbar, A., Khalid, M. W., and Anwar, M. S. ( 2017 ). ``Low temperature Voigt effect in the terbium gallium garnet crystal". Optics Express, 25 ( 24 ), 30550 -- 30559 .
2. Akbar, A., Saleem, M., Atiq, S., and Anwar, M. S. ( 2018 ). ``Magnetic Dynamics and All-Optical Switching in 5 nm Dy–Fe Nanostructures", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 54 ( 7 ), 1 -- 6 .
(Collaborating Author)
3. Mahmood, N., Kim, I., Mehmood, M.Q., Jeong, H., Akbar, A., Lee, D., Saleem, M., Zubair, M., Anwar, M.S., Tahir, F.A. and Rho, J., ( 2018 ). ``Polarisation insensitive multifunctional metasurfaces based on all-dielectric nanowaveguides", Nanoscale, 10 ( 38 ), pp. 18323 -- 18330 .
4. Fatima, T., Akbar, A., Anwar, M.S. and Tahir, M.N., 2019. ``Six new dinuclear Schiff base complexes of Cu (II)/Ln (III) system: Synthesis, characterization and magnetic studies", Journal of Molecular Structure, 1184 , pp. 462 -- 467 .
5. Mahmood, N., Jeong, H., Kim, I., Mehmood, M.Q., Zubair, M., Akbar, A., Saleem, M., Anwar, M.S., Tahir, F.A. and Rho, J., 2019. ``Twisted non-diffracting beams through all dielectric meta-axicons", Nanoscale, 11 ( 43 ), pp. 20571 -- 20578 .
6. Abbas, S.K., Akbar, A., Atiq, S., Saleem, M., Iftikhar, M., Rafiq, H.M., Naseem, S. and Anwar, M.S., 2019. ``Optimization of DyFe nanostructures using E-beam lithography for magneto-optical applications", Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 469 , pp. 196 -- 202 .