Galois Correspondence for babies: the case of X6-2
Prof. Rached Mneimné is our next speaker in the upcoming seminar of the John Conway Spirited Mathematics Seminar Series. He will talk about case of the irreducible polynomial X6-2 to unveil mysteries of Galois Correspondence. Prof. Rached Mneimné has his research interests in Non-Commutative Harmonic Analysis in Semi-Simple Lie Groups and their Homogeneous Spaces, and Representation Theory of Lie algebras. He has also authored books for graduate and undergraduate students mixing Higher Linear Algebra to Finite Groups and Analytic Geometry.
Please join us virtually via zoom:
Zoom Meeting link: https://zoom.us/j/97379855766
Meeting ID: 973 7985 5766; Passcode: 146928
The complete range of seminars in this series can be found here: