Hamiltonian and Partial Hamiltonian operators for Differential Equations
The Noether and Hamiltonian approaches have proven to be of great deal in order to compute the conservation laws and finding closed-from solutions of a given model. The current research plan is commenced with an idea to implement these priceless techniques to various real-world phenomenon so that the closed form exact solutions thus obtained may provide us with new concepts for gaining a deeper understanding and space for examination of any physical model under investigation. The approaches being employed are compatible to apply to the numerous models from engineering, mechanics, mathematical biology, and several models of wide utility requiring optimal growth. With the application of partial Hamiltonian approach followed by tedious calculations lead to construct the closed form solutions. The ongoing work concerning the computation of First integrals and Lie symmetries of a SEIR (Susceptible-Exposed-Infected-Recovered) model to predict the potential of a new COVID-19 wave in KSA after lifting the travel restrictions.
Evaluation Committee:
Supervisor: Imran Naeem
Evaluator: Amer Rasheed
Zoom Meeting Link: https://lums-edu-pk.zoom.us/j/96197971905?pwd=VEVqN09pV2xBbGtzVFFnZ0hPcnlIZz09
Meeting ID: 961 9797 1905
Passcode: 395981