Event date:
Nov 8 2021 4:00 pm

Algebra and Topology of Lattices of Subgroups

Prof. Russ Woodroofe
It has long been known that the lattice of subgroups of a finite group determines whether the group is solvable. In this talk, I will overview how to recognize a solvable group from its subgroup lattice. I am particularly interested in a topological and/or commutative algebraic characterization (the sequentially Cohen-Macaulay condition).

Our distinguished guest speaker is Professor Russ Woodroofe (University of Primorska, Slovenia) in the upcoming John Conway Spirited Mathematics Seminar Series. He will be talking about “Algebra and Topology of Lattices of Subgroups” on 8th November 2021 at 4:00 PM PKT (Monday) 

Join us via Zoom meeting link: https://zoom.us/j/97379855766    


About the Speaker:  

His main research areas mainly focus on geometric combinatorics, including its connections with group theory and commutative algebra. Prof. Russ Woodroofe (University of Primorska, Slovenia) will present the lattice of subgroups of a solvable finite group. 


Please see the seminar series link below for details,