Post Date
Feb 7 2024

Dr. Imran Anwar Extends Term as Chair of Department of Mathematics Until 2026

We are very happy to be able to announce that Dr Imran Anwar has kindly agreed to an extension of his term as Chair of the Department of Mathematics.  This means that he will remain as Chair for two more years until the start of 2026.

Dr Anwar has been a dynamic and enthusiastic Chair of Maths since 2021, and under his leadership the department has taken initiatives that have put it at the forefront of maths education in Pakistan.  For example, he and colleagues have introduced the outstandingly successful LUMS Maths Circles project, which has been inspiring school children in Pakistan and showing them how maths can be both truly interesting and highly enjoyable.  The Maths Department has also introduced the International Mathematics Masters in partnership with the prestigious Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste, Italy.  This programme, which is unique in Pakistan, is taught by both local and international staff, and is just one example of the department’s rapidly growing international links.

We greatly appreciate what Imran has already done and look forward to working with him in the future.  We would also like to express our sincere appreciation of the work done by the departmental search committee, Drs. Basit Shafiq, Sultan Sial and Reza Abdolmaleki, who carried out a careful consultation with maths faculty and staff.