Event date:
Feb 3 2022 2:30 pm

Nuclear Power: Promises and Perils and Choices for Pakistan

A. H. Nayyar
LUMS Physics Dept

In a country starved of energy options, nuclear power appears a very attractive choice with an offer of concentrated energy with very little fuel cost. But it entails grave risks on account of the inherent radioactivity. Serious accidents can happen and have happened. Avoiding accidents increases the cost of installation as well as of electricity production. In addition, cost of dismantlement after the lifetime is nearly as much as the cost of installation. The spent fuel remains highly radioactive for a long time, and no one knows a good way of its disposition. The option of nuclear electricity is, therefore, a matter of careful cost and benefit analysis.
How is Pakistan handling this option? What dangers and risks does Pakistan face in adopting it? How much of the technology is indigenized?
What is the global trend? How does the world manage the dangers from nuclear accidents and nuclear waste? Which other options of energy production offer any good alternatives? The talk will address these questions.