Event date:
Oct 28 2022 11:30 am

New Approaches in Science Communication at the CERN Media Lab

Joao Antunes Pequenao, CERN Media Lab
Zoom Streaming Venue: SBASSE 9-B2
As the world’s largest Particle Physics Laboratory, CERN is often in the media spotlight. Physics results from the last few years and the high profile of the organization increased the public interest in its nature, operations and outcome.
In order to connect with the public in an efficient and enticing way, CERN Media Lab team was created to conceive and implement educational resources using state-of-the-art technology and novel approaches to difficult scientific communication problems.
Its interactive installations have been featured in venues all over the planet, helping several Science Centres conceive their new exhibits, and dramatically changing the perception of CERN to its visitors. This appraoch has contributed to the education and entertainment of many people all over the globe.
In this presentation we will have a peek into the technology developed, the projects, the context and scope, and hint about what will come in the future.

Joao is the chief troublemaker at the CERN Media Lab. He has a background in physics but spends most of his professional time conceiving interactive applications for science visualization and education. Over the years, his 3D animations, simulation images and scientific illustrations have been frequently featured in several major media outlets worldwide. His main approach for science communication is the creation of visual and personalized metaphors for complex scientific concepts. Joao has been key in establishing state-of-the-art multimedia installations for science centres and visit points at top research institutions worldwide. He regularly collaborates with artists developing science-inspired pieces, coaches scientists on public outreach and mentors many students. One of his big side projects is “Phantom of the Universe”, an award-winning planetarium show about Dark Matter viewed by over 10 million people in more than 500 planetariums in 82 countries and 22 languages.