Mastering DNA Basics

SBASSE Life Sciences Workshop 2023 

Event Date: August 18-20, 2023

Registration Deadline: July 30, 2023

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Detailed Program: Click here

Research breakthroughs and new technologies are allowing the development of personalized medicine, genetic engineering, and other advances in the health and agricultural industries. How are these innovations occurring, and what does it all mean? DNA, short for deoxyribonucleic acid, is the remarkable molecule that holds the key to life on Earth. Our genetic makeup lies within its elegant structure, which determines our unique characteristics, from our eye color and height to our susceptibility to certain diseases. We will introduce you to DNA at this workshop, providing you with a solid foundation of knowledge and inspiring your curiosity. In unraveling DNA's building blocks, we'll discover how they fit together like pieces of a puzzle. DNA replication will also be discussed, which involves cells accurately copying their DNA and passing it on to future generations. Further, we will explore how genetic instructions in DNA are decoded into traits through transcription and translation. Moreover, we will explore the fascinating world of genetic engineering and biotechnology. Our discussion will focus on how genetic modification can address real-life challenges, such as creating disease-resistant crops, developing new medical treatments, and imagining a personalized healthcare future. This DNA workshop is your gateway to scientific discovery where knowledge meets curiosity.

Workshop Topics 

  • DNA as the molecule of life - DNA replication
  • Transcription and translation
  • Molecular Cloning and Biotechnology

Workshop Cost: 

Rs. 15,000 per individual (University students & Teachers)

Rs. 12,000 per individual (School/College students & Teachers)

Accommodation Charges: 

Rs. 1,000 per night

Contact Person: 

Iqra Manzoor;


Muhammad Tariq (PhD)

Dr. Tariq is interested in understanding how cell fates are established and how they are maintained during our development. His laboratory works on Polycomb (PcG) and Trithorax group (TrxG) genes which are involved in maintaining epigenetic states of gene expression. Defects in gene regulation by these groups of proteins are linked to different types of cancers. Establishing the molecular link between PcG/TrxG and cell signaling pathways is a primary long-term goal of the epigenetics lab.

Zaigham Shahzad (PhD)

Dr. Shahzad is interested in understanding how variation in plant genomes and epigenomes translates to phenotypic variation. This involves developing high-throughput phenotyping, next-generation DNA sequencing, and genetic and epigenetic association mapping methods. The long-term aim of the lab is to employ genome and epigenome editing approaches to improve crop production in normal and stressed environments.

Frequently asked questions

Q1: Who should attend the Mastering DNA Basics workshop?

  • Students (O levels/Matric, A levels/F.Sc., early-stage BS/B.Sc.) studying DNA structure and function and DNA technology.
  • Educators teaching DNA basics or looking to incorporate these into their curriculum or enhance their teaching methods.

Q2: What topics are covered in the Mastering DNA Basics workshop?

The topics covered in this workshop may vary depending on the specific workshop and the target audience. However, common topics include:

  • DNA as a hereditary material, DNA replication, transcription, and translation.
  • Applications of DNA technology in various fields, such as agriculture, medicine, and forensics.

Q3. What is the time commitment?

You are expected to spend between 15 and 20 hours total, but your baseline knowledge, note-taking skills, and assessment preparation will determine the amount of time you spend.

Q4. Can participants earn certificates from the Department of Life Sciences, LUMS?

A participant's score determines the level of certification. There are two certification levels:

  • Certificate of Achievement
  • Certificate of Participation

Q5: What are the benefits of attending the Mastering DNA Basics workshop?

Attending the Mastering DNA Basics workshop offers several benefits, including:

  • Allowing you to delve deeper into the fascinating world of DNA, fostering personal growth, intellectual stimulation, and a better appreciation of the natural world.
  • Understanding of DNA, including its structure, function, and role in various biological processes. This knowledge serves as a crucial building block for further exploration and specialization in genetics or related fields.
  • Interacting with experts or experienced facilitators who can provide valuable insights. They can provide valuable insights, answer your questions, and offer real-world perspectives.
  • Networking and collaborating with other participants.
  • Staying up to date with the latest advancements, methodologies, and research findings in the realm of DNA analysis.

Workshop flyer: