Aleena Iqtidar has been a visiting faculty member at the Suleman Dawood School of Business (SDSB), Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) since January 2024. She graduated with a BSc Honors in Economics from LUMS in 2017. After graduation, Aleena ventured into the corporate sector, notably working with Coca Cola to launch Monster Energy in Pakistan She has also been an entrepreneur, launching her own startups and assisting in the setup of various others.

In 2021, Aleena was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship to pursue a STEM Master’s degree in Integrated Marketing and Communications at Northwestern University. This experience opened doors for her to consult with numerous global companies, enhancing her expertise in strategic marketing and communications.

Currently, Aleena leads strategic marketing initiatives for Digital Ocean, a B2B cloud hosting firm based in the US. Her unique ability to bridge the gap between creativity and data, particularly using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to solve business challenges, has made her a valuable asset in the industry.

Aleena’s approach to marketing integrates consumer insight, innovative technologies and data-driven strategies, making her a forward-thinking leader in the field. Her contributions to academia and industry highlight her belief in using LUMS as the ultimate forum to create future marketing leaders across the globe.