Asad Abidi received the BSc degree in Electrical Engineering from Imperial College, London, in 1976, and the Ph.D. from…

Genetics and genomics are rapidly evolving fields that use technological…

Final Defense Committee Members:

1. Dr. Basit Shafiq (Chair & …

Specialization of cells needs maintenance of cell type specific gene expression patterns established during cell fate…

Dr. Zaigham completed his PhD and MS  from  Montpellier SupAgro in France in 2010 and  2007 respectively. He has worked as postdoc in his alma…

Dr. Perrimon has 30 years of experience in the fields of developmental genetics…

In continuation of our efforts to virtually bring the high-quality drug discovery talks to our community of learners, we are organizing

Sir David Baulcombe will be talking about “RNA Silencing, Disease Resistance and Non-Mendelian Inheritance” in the next Molecular and Cellular…