Instrument Cell

We are receiving both Internal and External (Non-LUMS) requests, please initiate your request accordingly:


At SBASSE, it is our vision to carry out world-class, multidisciplinary education and research. Our voyage spanning over the past fifteen years exhibits our commitment to pursue this vision by investing heavily in modern and sophisticated scientific tools, equipment, and accessories that empower our faculty and students in not only enlivening their classroom teaching but also enabling meaningful research that harbours impact. 

However, in Pakistan, scientific exploration and the engineering odyssey are often impeded by the unavailability of instruments and tools. Even if available, damaged, or worn-out tools which languish in our universities hallways’ for want of repair, add distress and uncertainty to the journey of a curious investigator. 

A sudden instrumental breakdown in the middle of a critical measurement followed by expensive repairs, and inordinate delays contribute to loss of productivity, efficiency, and morale. The sheer physical distance and disincentive for foreign equipment manufacturers to engage with Pakistani researchers add time lags and the number of disenchanted researchers gradually grows. Some people even give up on the experimental expedition.


Building upon the expertise and track record developed in the laboratories of the Physics Department, we are launching the School’s Instrument Cell. This is a one-window operation to meet the needs of our school's various internal instrument and equipment repairs. The Cell will be housed in and will employ resources of the Physics Department (Feynman Wing). It aims to be self-sufficient in generating its own funding in a period of two years. 

The Instrument Cell will offer these services to the Departments, the Central Lab, and external users.

  1. Repair and troubleshooting of scientific equipment
  2. Building and design of experimental apparatus (long-run)

If you have a broken instrument that needs repair or a laboratory machine that requires inspection or investigation, please fill in the form. One of the KPI’s of the Instrument Cell is the cost-saving it promises. Therefore, in the experimental period, we require the client to furnish a quotation from an external vendor. This information will help establish comparisons and provide quantitative metrics on cost savings.

Based on an initial inspection or repair conducted, the Instrument Cell will transmit an invoice to the client. The client will internally transfer the billed amount through a purchase requisition (PR) mechanism. External clients (outside LUMS) will follow deposit the amount in LUMS\s account through a voucher system.

For further details, contact

Please go through the workflow of Instrument Cell (internal requests) by clicking here.

To view Instrument Cell poster click here.