Post Date
Jun 8 2022

Vice Chancellor’s Awards for Teaching Excellence 2020-2021


Dr. Rahman Shah Zaib Saleem
Department of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering

Dr. Rahman Saleem is an outstanding science teacher who uses innovative pedagogical approaches to keep students excited about learning Chemistry. He makes complex theoretical content meaningful to students by encouraging multi-dimensional, out-of-the-box thinking through a variety of assessments and engaging learning activities. From tracing the historical evolution of concepts, to highlighting cutting-edge research and dominant unanswered questions, he transforms theory into applicable, real-world problems for his students to solve. As one student commented, Dr. Saleem, “…was one of those few instructors who focused on understanding rather than covering the course content” and has been a kind and caring mentor whose “…one-to-one interaction did not stumble even in quarantine as he was always one message away…” His commitments to student mentorship and partnership are clear indicators of Dr. Saleem’s dedication to helping students become the next generation of scientists who can make a difference in Pakistan and beyond.



Dr. Hamad Alizai
Department of Computer Science

Dr. Hamad Alizai is an exceptional computer science teacher who makes enduring contributions to his peers’ and his students’ learning. His commitments to improving teaching through the Learning Institute demonstrates exceptional educational leadership. To his students, Dr. Hamad “…has the gift of teaching. He has the rare ability to truly light up the classroom with inspiration.” Whether it is through peer teaching, novel discussion techniques, authentic assessments, or technology, he engages students at every level and inspires them with unwavering support and creative energies. Dr. Alizai works meticulously to give students space in class to collaborate, engage, and learn. Frequent student feedback informs his teaching and is another indication that he puts student learning first. As one student highlighted, “It is not always easy to change students' lives, so it takes a great teacher like Dr. Alizai to do so. He is a true role model for all his students, and I learned the meaning of learning’ from him.” Dr. Alizai is deeply dedicated to learning and to sharing that learning to help others to grow and develop – and this makes him one of LUMS most treasured teachers.



Dr. Haniya Azam
Department of Mathematics

Dr. Haniya Azam is recognised by her students and colleagues at LUMS and young students who participate in Math Circles, as an exceptional teacher dedicated to helping all students master mathematics. She identifies students’ anxiety about mathematics and then takes them on a journey to build their understanding of (often abstract) mathematical concepts. She does this through meticulous design of her courses, engaging lectures and demonstrations, and a range of assessment tasks and feedback. Dr. Azam invests in building learning environments inside and outside the classroom where all students feel welcome to engage, to question, and feel supported to learn. As one student said, “Dr. Azam is one of those educators who takes interest in and supports students’ personal and professional development. For an institution like LUMS where students come from diverse backgrounds, instructors like Dr. Azam make this journey invigorating and rewarding.” This is a true testament to Dr. Azam’s unwavering commitment to going above and beyond to help her students to learn.



Dr. Imran Cheema
Department of Electrical Engineering

Dr. Imran Cheema’s philosophy of teaching is grounded in his overarching goal to “stimulate joy in students’ learning experiences” and cultivate “ah ha” moments where their learning becomes visible. As one student proudly shared, “he inculcated this sense of intellectual and scientific curiosity which was highly infectious… he would encourage me to cross more boundaries in my intellectual journey and expand my knowledge.” Dr. Cheema’s excellence in teaching electrical engineering has been recognised by students and colleagues for its academic rigor and how he engages students to help them learn complex mathematical and scientific concepts. Whether he is using real life examples, visualisations and demonstrations or metaphors, he aims to reach all students and help them to learn. Dr. Cheema’s incorporation of varied assessment techniques and his responsiveness to regular student feedback on his teaching and course design help to ensure that student learning is at the heart of his teaching. He is without a doubt one of LUMS’ most highly effective instructors, and a caring mentor who enthusiastically inspires students to love complex subjects of engineering and science.